As a family-owned business, established 150 years ago, Van Oord focuses on future generations and long-term business relations. We play a leading role in caring for the planet now and in the future by guarding the environment. Our Guards programme includes several promising environmental innovations to create marine solutions of value for our clients.
guard the

Van Oord realised one of the largest offshore wind projects in the world: the Gemini Offshore Wind Park. This challenging project consisted of the installation of 150 4 megawatt Siemens wind turbines, including monopiles, which will supply a total of 600 megawatt of renewable energy to 785,000 households. With a value of more than EUR 1.3 billion, it’s one of the largest EPC contracts in Van Oord’s history. Gemini also represents an important step towards achieving the targets set out in the Dutch Energy Transition Agreement.
Van Oord devotes specific attention to sustainable working methods. During the pile-driving operations of the installation vessel Aeolus, we proactively used the FaunaGuard to prevent potential permanent hearing loss in porpoises, a protected species.
The result is identified as positive environmental impact on biodiversity and that’s exceptional. Thanks to the FaunaGuard, we can offer our clients a solution that meets and even exceeds their needs. With the Van Oord Guards, we are ready for the future.
Marine construction activities such as piling may inhibit marine fauna such as dolphins, porpoises, fish and turtles. Van Oord strives to minimise the potential impact on marine fauna by using the FaunaGuard.
Both fish and marine mammals communicate with underwater sound. Some whales even communicate over great distances. Sound interference can have a variety of effects on aquatic life, ranging from subtle to strong behavioural reactions. The philosophy of the FaunaGuard is to make optimal use of modern mitigating techniques and focus sounds on various target species. The FaunaGuard consists of sound emitting and receiving equipment that allows users to check effectiveness.
Each module is purpose-built for a target species, although it is possible to combine several modules into one device. The different sounds are based on the hearing range and sensitivity of the species.
for target species
More often, we’re working in ecologically vulnerable areas. Therefore it’s important to prevent and mitigate undesirable environmental effects. Our smart engineers have teamed up with marine mammal research company Seamarco to develop a solution for meeting the environmental regulations in marine construction activities: the Van Oord FaunaGuard.
This acoustic deterrent device safely and temporarily deters various marine fauna species using specialised underwater acoustics. What differs the FaunaGuard from traditional acoustic deterrent devices, is that it is based on scientific research and is designed to be both effective and safe.
Our clients around the world have specifically requested us to use the FaunaGuard on projects. Van Oord will continue to strive to develop new signals for other species, such as seals and turtles. A possible application to protect sharks and dugongs will be investigated to improve this remarkable piece of environmental technology for use in marine engineering.
music to our ears

As a family-owned business, established 150 years ago, Van Oord focuses on future generations and long-term business relations. We play a leading role in caring for the planet now and in the future by guarding the environment. Our Guards programme includes several promising environmental innovations to create marine solutions of value for our clients.
guard the